

Page history last edited by Howard Weaver 16 years, 6 months ago

The way ahead ... 

A shared discussion for McClatchy journalists and others to talk about the way ahead for journalism, news companies and people who care about them.  


One of the comments on my Etaoin Shrdlu blog suggested not long ago that McClatchy should "set up an online repository for ideas, sort of like what Starbucks did when it solicited suggestions from customers. Give people a venue. Innovation will happen. It must."


McClatchyNext aspires to be that venue.


This site offers a hybrid wiki and discussion forum. Once registered, you can either edit existing pages (helpful when we’re compiling lists, references or seeking consensus) or add comments in a more accessible way than on a blog. Things are organized within folders I set up, but anyone who's registered as can add pages and edit others.  


You need to be registered to participate, and I want to make that as easy as possible. I’d rather folks participate openly – that is, with real names  – but if you’re not comfortable doing that just get a webmail account somewhere and register with that address. To get started, email me and my assistant Jill Christensen and whichever one of us gets to it first will send you an invitation. (There’s an opportunity here on the site to ask for registration, too, which might be slightly quicker.)


Please be consistent; if you’re registered as GrizzledVeteran or OnlineGuru, please stick to that handle for all your comments here, so our discussions are congruent. I expect that comments from people with real names will have more credibility; they will with me, for sure.


This isn’t my blog (which I’ll continue to use to post my thoughts). It’s a shared experience, and obviously won’t work without community participation. I promise it will get read and considered and introduced into conversations here in the corporate suite, and I hope it will likewise energize and incubate discussions at individual newsrooms and between newsrooms, too.


More than 200 of your colleagues are already here. Please, jump in.


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